It’s one of the most challenging (and exciting) processes a company can go through.
Like thousands of agencies and firms before us, Cookson Communications managed to take the time to do something nice for itself. It’s the equivalent of a makeover in the agency world – if a makeover included having a baby and a nervous breakdown.
We redesigned our website.
Physically designing the site is tough, but it’s not the hardest part. It’s the second-guessing, the proofing, selecting the right case studies, using the right graphics and putting it out there for all to see, criticize, love or worse: ignore. At some point, you have to go ahead and point that domain, hold your breath as it propagates and let the world see what you’ve created.
New stuff
The new site features an expanded work section with multiple case studies, a detailed list of services and team member profiles punctuated by custom illustrations. The Services page highlights our focus on communications, content creation, creative design and branding, digital services, and custom consulting services. The Work page allows you to view selected projects and filter categories such as workforce development, non-profit, and education. We took a different approach to listing clients on our Clients page.
Professional yet fun, simple and informational with a touch of nostalgia was the goal of the design. A clean, crisp white background accented by faded hand-drawn illustrations and pops of color draws attention to the page contents without being distracting. Subtle but unobtrusive animation adds to the flow of scrolling and page transitions.
And because we were having so much fun, we gave our logo a little bit of a refresh too:
We upped the color-pop factor on the Cookson Communications current logo and dropped the “strategic” from our name. The funny thing is, as an agency we’re more strategic than ever, but we think it goes without saying that communications should be strategic. Plus, it’s shorter. You never know, someday we might even drop the “communications,” but we’re not quite there yet.
Communications, enhanced
Change in our industry is constant. However, at the core of all marketing, branding, design, writing and public relations work is the art of communication. We’ve made this our focus, and we’ve made communicating our clients’ stories in meaningful ways our mission.
Wondering what’s next? We’re working on some office interior updates that we’ll be sharing soon on social channels like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest.
We hope you’ll enjoy exploring the new Cookson Communications website.
Suggestions or issues? Contact us.