Introducing Inside722!
Our Work: NH Tech Alliance

Non-profit communications and event support for nearly a decade

CLIENT: NH Tech Alliance

From 2010 to 2019, we supported the NH Tech Alliance (Alliance) with all aspects of communications, production, marketing, public relations, social media management, event management, strategic and administrative support, infographics and graphic design.

What We Did

  • Non-profit event management
  • Public relations and non-profit communications
  • Social media
  • Graphic design and rebrand implementation

Non-profit event management

Over nine years, our team managed and promoted over 500 Alliance events, helped build the organization into the authority on tech in New Hampshire and were instrumental in connecting 50k+ employers with the tech industry. In addition to marketing support, our deep involvement allowed us to become an integral player in the Alliance’s day-to-day operations.

Public relations and non-profit communications

We had hundreds of media placements across the state highlighting Alliance programming, award winners from events, industry stories, workforce issues and more. We built up media partnerships as well, one of which led to a weekly technology newsfeed that highlighted Alliance member news and had a digital distribution of about 10,000 readers. We also managed and developed all newsletter content, web content, managed membership (retention, recruitment and renewals) and oversaw website integrations.

Two older men holding a Ms. Pac-Man sign

Social media

Cookson Communications managed the Alliance social media for nearly nine years, steadily growing the following and expanding the tools as new ones gained traction. We also took a strategic approach to social media engagement and tied it into our cross promotion of events, company and industry news, partner activity and more. The channels grew to have thousands of followers and substantial daily engagement.

Social media impressions
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Fans on social media
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Graphic design and rebrand implementation

We took the Alliance through two rebranding efforts. The first entailed modernizing the brand across all platforms. The second was to implement a rebrand that came with a name change. Both times, we worked to ensure that the new brand was implemented through web sites, banners, social media, email templates, collateral, signage, giveaways and more. We bult and followed style guides so all efforts followed a specific protocol.

Having worked with the Cookson Communications team for nearly eight years as a board member and chair, I have greatly appreciated the fact that they take a long-term, strategic approach to their work. The team is committed and professional and has consistently gone above and beyond to help take this organization to a whole new level.

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Increase in events
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events promoted
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