Our Work: Lakeport Opera House
Bringing a historic venue to life through PR and advertising
CLIENT: Lakeport Opera House
The Lakeport Opera House is a historic performance venue in the heart of the Lakes Region. Following a decades-long hiatus, the 140-year-old building underwent significant renovations and reopened for live musical performances, theatre productions and other community-focused events. We were honored to have played a key role in the venue’s reopening strategy through advertising and marketing, public relations services and social media support.
What We Did
- Public relations
- Social media
- Advertising

Public Relations
The long-awaited reopening of this historic space along Laconia’s waterfront yielded a tremendous earned media opportunity. To maximize and capitalize upon the media attention surrounding the reopening, we drafted two dozen in three months that resulted in over 300 media placements. As the media relations contact, we worked with the owners and entertainers to arrange media interviews that assisted with publicity efforts for the venue and weekly shows.
It is hard NOT to know about the Opera House with all this press coverage.
Tim James Everett
Social Media
We worked with internal staff to develop a strategic posting schedule that helped build awareness regarding the opening, renovation and overall uniqueness of The Lakeport Opera House as well as a campaign of messages for upcoming events and post-event highlights. In addition to monitoring content and responses, a monthly impact report was also provided.

As a performing arts venue, it was imperative that the Lakeport Opera House showcase the variety of performers that would grace their downtown Laconia space. This was achieved by by developing nearly 40 print and digital advertisements that were both specific to upcoming noteworthy acts as well as general awareness of events at the newly reopened venue.